Wednesday, September 23, 2015

10 years 20 000 edits

Ten years ago today, I made my first edit as "Slashme" to Wikipedia, adding an image that I had modified from an existing template into an article about the Oshima Peninsula.

Today, 10 years and 21 minutes later, I made my 20000th edit to a Wikimedia Foundation wiki. That's almost 5½ edits per day. For nostalgia's sake, I edited the same article, this time adding the fact that the Oshima Peninsula is home to Japan's northernmost castle.

An interesting fact that I've noticed is that my edits to the various Wikimedia wikis seem to follow some smooth distribution - I'll figure out later exactly which distribution. Here is the log-scale plot:

So I've made on the order of:
  • 2×10³ edits to the English Wikipedia,
  • 1×10³ edits to Wikimedia commons,
  • 0.5×10³ edits to Meta (I was on the Wikimedia South Africa board for a while),
  • 0.3×10³ edits to the German Wikipedia
  • 0.2×10³ edits to the English Wiktionary
and less than 100 edits to various other projects.

Based on this count, I'm now a Tutnum of the Encyclopedia.

I have collaborated on a featured picture, successfully submitted one Did You Know (for Promin) and created a parliament diagram tool that is in wide use.

I have also created an animatable, printable version of the Wikipedia globe logo, but because it's copyrighted, you can't use it without the permission of the Wikimedia foundation.

Here is an animation of the globe being built up from component pieces, in my humble opinion, a good metaphor for how the encyclopedia is being built:

Very many editors have made much greater contributions than I have, but as another Wikipedian pointed out to me recently, it's not a race. Any contribution is a good thing, and I'm happy and proud to have done what I have.


  1. Dear David,
    we are palnning a new film about the wikipedia and data-manipulation inside some political themes.

    The film is a zero budget film. We would like to use your logo-animation inside the film. Here I would kindly aks you for permission to use the logo.
    Please answer to: mfiedler(at)
    Best Regards, Markus Fiedler
